
Dr. Mandip Shah - One of the Best Onco Orthopedic Surgeon in India


Dr Mandip Shah completed his Masters in Orthopedic surgery from V.S general hospital – Gujarat University, in 2004 as a university topper. During his post graduate training in orthopedic surgery, he realized that musculoskeletal tumors almost always posed a challenge to the treating doctor. The difficulties ranged from problems with diagnosis to problems with treatment. The treatment options too were often unsatisfactory; both to the surgeon and to the patient. And worse of all was dealing with frequent recurrences after treatment; which was a difficult situation for the treating doctor and even worse for the affected patient. It was then that he felt a strong desire to pursue dedicated training in the subject of “Musculoskeletal Oncology” to understand the correct and optimal management of these conditions. It was the beginning of his rewarding journey of learning about this relatively unknown sub-speciality of Orthopedics and has eventually led him to a point where it became his chosen career!

After passing out as an Orthopaedic Surgeon in 2004, he was selected as a clinical fellow in the Orthopedic Oncology department of the Tata Memorial Cancer Centre, Mumbai, which is considered as the Mecca for treatment of cancers in India. Under the luminous guidance of his mentors Dr Ajay Puri and Dr Manish Agarwal, he learnt the principles of management of Bone & Soft tissue tumors. He trained under them for two years as a clinical fellow during which time he was involved in more than 700 surgeries for a huge range of musculoskeletal tumors of various sizes in various locations and in various age groups, all of which necessitated a case by case approach. These surgeries ranged from highly complex tumor resections and limb preservations to difficult high amputations. This extensive training gave him a deep insight into the multi – modality approach to the management of these tumors which included benign and cancerous bone tumors, soft tissue sarcomas and metastatic bone diseases. He understood that there was a method to the management of these conditions and applying the principles resulted in a superior and more predictable outcome. He was also actively involved in the ongoing clinical trials and research projects which helped him understand the importance of evidence based medicine and scientific and ethical practice.


He was amongst very few to get awarded the prestigious ICRETT (International Cancer Research, Education & Technology Transfer) fellowship by UICC (International Union against Cancer). He is one of the best onco orthopedic surgeon in India. He had an opportunity to do a fellowship under Dr Jay Wunder at the Mount Sinai Hospital & Princess Margaret Cancer Center – Toronto – Canada. Dr Jay Wunder is one of the world authority in the field of musculoskeletal oncology. Here he also worked on the research project of “Applications of Allografts in Orthopaedic Oncology” at Rubinoff Bone & Tissue Bank which is a state of art tissue bank accredited with American Association of Tissue Banks. He was also invited for specialty training at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, USA which is a globally recognized center of excellence for cancer treatment. Here he worked with Dr John Healey, a world renowned musculoskeletal tumor surgeon. Later on, he visited “University of Miami Hospital & Jackson Memorial Hospital”, Miami, USA with Dr Thomas Temple, who is another leading authority in this field. This international exposure was a brilliant learning experience for him as he could interact with such luminaries in the field of Orthopedic Oncology. It not only strengthened his basics but also brought him abreast with the latest in Musculoskeletal Oncology.

After completing extensive training, he joined Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute (GCRI) as a Consultant Orthopedic Oncologist. GCRI is the largest Regional Cancer Center in the country, with a high volume of patients and large variety of cases. Here he got the opportunity to apply all the knowledge gained during the fellowship and was able to appreciate firsthand the superior results obtained; which further reinforced his faith and interest in this unusual speciality. Here he performed more than 2000 independent limb salvage and ablative surgeries over a span of next 7 years! These surgeries included megaprosthetic reconstructions and arthrodesis for bone defects around joints following tumor resection, technically demanding pelvic surgeries including internal hemipelvectomies, novel curettage procedures for benign bone tumors like GCT, surgeries for pathological fractures, resection of extremity soft tissue sarcomas and unique procedures like Van – Ness Rotationplasty.

Dr Shah has been very instrumental in doing clinical research. He has shared his personal experience with Orthopaedic Oncology at many local, regional, national and international forums. As a sterling recognition to his unique, scientific and evidence based work, and its impact on patient care, he has so far been awarded “Best scientific work” awards more than 25 times! He has been invited as a guest faculty to share his knowledge on the subject to more than 150 national and international meetings!

Since the last 18 years, he is a practicing Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgeon in Ahmedabad – Gujarat - India. He has an experience of more than 7000 surgeries for bone and soft tissue tumors covering the entire spectrum of musculoskeletal tumors ranging from the innocent to the most malignant, in the most accessible to the absolutely impossible locations. Besides, he is celebrated as the most awarded orthopedic surgeon of Gujarat having been conferred more than 25 best paper awards in local, regional, national and international conferences!


For All Orthopedic Oncology Related Treatments